Admiral Sigfrido Pared, the Dominican Minister of Defence indicated that it was the 11th escapee captured by the Dominicans after the joint operation with the National Police of Haiti last Tuesday, which resulted in the capture in the Dominican Republic of Clifford Brandt and 3 other escapees However, he did not say if the 11 escapees were part or not of the 19 fugitives announced by the Haitian authorities.
Furthermore, Admiral revealed Friday that the Dominican forces had proceeded Thursday evening at the arrest of 55 Haitians who were trying to enter the Dominican Republic in a village near the border town of Jimani, 282 km east of the Dominican capital. Admiral Pared indicated that investigations were underway with the Haitian authorities, in order to confirm the eventual presence of escapees in this group of people "We will only give names after verification..."
Note that since this important evasion and according to information from Major General Paulino Sem Rubén Darío, 6,000 soldiers equipped with advanced technologies, with intelligence support, special rapid response units and adequate transportation equipment were deployed at the border to prevent these escapees, whose many of whom are classified as dangerous, dnd refuge in the Dominican Republic.
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